The Power of God
by Gene Johns

The size of the universe is unfathomable for the human brain to comprehend. So are the astronomical numbers of planets, moons, stars, and galaxies. 

To believe that one Supreme Being is in control of every single molecule in the universe and can monitor the minute details of the lives of billions of humankind on Earth is ludicrous. It might be true because nothing can be completely ruled out. But, in the world of reality in which we live, the idea of a Supreme Being is fantasy, not reality.

Yes, I know, God is all-powerful. According to the Bible, in Geneses God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God spoke many times bringing forth the sky filled with stars at night and blue in the day, the land, the sea creatures, the land creatures, and humankind. 

Wow, great power just by speaking words, may the force be with us. But it is an imagined power for the human-created supernatural superhero of humankind—God, just as the powers of the miraculous superhero Superman were given to Superman by his creator, it is all made up! Plus, when God spoke who was he speaking to? Who was listening?

Germany Kent (an American print and television journalist) said, “With God, you are stronger than your struggles and fiercer than your fears. God provides comfort and strength to those who trust in Him. Be encouraged, keep standing, and know that everything is going to be all right.”

Is it the "power of God" that helps one through tough times and gives one the strength to endure the trials and tribulations of life; or is it the confidence, the calmness one gathers from the idea there is a God that will help? Self-reliance, no matter what the source, is the real power that guides one through challenging times, not the source of confidence or calmness—not God.   

One could argue the inspiration and the strength gained from believing in a god is the power of God. But it is not God, just a belief in God, and an imagined support system that enables one to endure problems or to achieve one’s goal(s). It is the power of positive thinking, not the power of God that sustains, guides, and motivates individuals through the trials and tribulations of life.

American preacher and televangelist Joel Osteen said, “It’s our faith [belief without evidence] that activates the power of God.”

So, it begs the question, is it the power of a God, or the power of positive thinking? The power of positive thinking is the source of achievement and perseverance through difficult times for individuals, not the power of a non-existent God. 

Even though the probability that a God exists is near zero percent, the power of the belief in God is undeniable. To understand the power of the belief in God, consider the millions, if not the billions of dollars "Men of God" (ministers, preachers, evangelists, priests) collect each week from those who believe in their message.  Or perhaps, more importantly, the message they believe came from God, as alleged by the "Men of God."  

Of course, the Bible provides many examples of the direct power of the Christian God. His power to create man (and woman), flood the world, separate a sea, raise his Son from the dead, and create a universe so vast and populated with more stars and planets than humankind can count. All those examples of God's power are written in a book of myths and thus far have not been proven to be true.    

Prayer, communication to an unseen God, is a request for help from God. Prayer can give "hope" to someone in need and because of that "hope" one's state of mind changes into positive thinking by believing their prayer will be answered.

That "hope" can improve one's life or even health. Again, that is the power of positive thinking, not the power of God. By the way, studies have proven prayer fairs are no better than mere chance. Crediting prayer with an improvement of an illness or health condition is almost always in addition to medical treatment.

It is true sometimes an illness or health condition improves without medical treatment and then believers claim God did it. There is no proof God heals and when healing takes place without medical treatment for unexplained reasons it does not mean God did it. It just means we do not why? It is okay to not know without claiming God did it.  

Christians claim that their God is an all-powerful and loving God. That claim seems to be suspect more times than not. For example, the omnipotent and loving God does nothing to stop the brutal torture, rape, and killing of children. God does nothing to prevent children from being born with horrible birth defects. Around the world, children suffer from malnutrition, are used for labor or as sex slaves and a loving compassionate God does nothing.

Where is God's power protecting the children of the world? Christian apologists fall short in defending God's lack of action in such situations. In my opinion, God, if he exists, is either impotent (powerless) or uncaring, or both, thus, unworthy of worship. I believe God's lack of action is an indication God does not exist.       

Merriam-Webster defines power as (1) the ability to act or produce an effect; (2) possession of control, authority, or influence over others; (3) physical might; (4) mental or moral efficacy (efficacy-the power to produce the desired result). 

Throughout history, the actions of those who believe in God and his word have exercised their physical might (power) over those who do not believe or believe differently. For example, the Christian Crusades.

The Crusades were a series of attempts from about 1095 to 1230 by Europeans to retake land in the Middle East from Muslims. The power of their belief resulted in the slaughter, rape, and looting of those they believed God guided them to destroy. The power of a mythical God was manifested in the minds of believers who fortified reason and logic to believe in a mythical God and his commandments.

Like it or not, the power of a mythical Christian God to manipulate the minds of humankind cannot be denied. That same argument can be made for all of the other religions. Humankind's submission to myth, legend, and superstition has, for many, overpowering reason, logic, and common sense.

Humankind's power comes from our ability to contemplate, plan and reason. When humankind finally understands a God or Gods are nothing more than a myth, then we will be free from the power of God.